November 24, 2009


    I'm quoting from Singing Rachel as she took the words right out of my mouth.......


    "I'm tired of seeing my old post but until I have time to  get my thoughts together......"


    I want to wish each of you a very meaningful  and lovely Thanksgiving Day!   





     My thankful thoughts go today to one of the promises my Heavenly Father gives to each  of us...."I will never leave thee nor forsake thee."

    There's a wonderful peace in just knowing that God never leaves us alone,

    And whether we feel He is with us or not, He loves us and calls us His own.

    His Word is our hope and our comfort, a refuge when life brings our way

    Those times we need wisdom and guidance and strength to sustain us each day.

    ~Emily Matthews





Comments (9)

  • I too, wish you a blessed Thanksgiving holiday.

  • The poem you shared is such a wonderful reminder of the many rich & mighty things to be thankful for as we walk with the Lord!!!  Hope your Thanksgiving is full of much joy, fellowship & love.  Blessings to you & your family.

  • I agree.  There is a wonderful peace in KNOWING that He will never leave us or forsake us.

  • Hello, friend. I hope you had a very nice Thanksgiving.

  • Hi dear friend.  I think of you so often and decided it was time i  talk to you and let you know I so appreciated all your little stops and encouraging words on my site.  For some reason i'm not getting your updates so I was quite surprised when I clicked on your site to find out that you even mentioned me in your post.  Wow, thanks.  We did have a nice holiday and I hope you did too.

    So many things going on at our house... hard to put it all into words.... hard but some really powerful moments with God to in such a personal way and like I said, someday i will get it on my blog.  We did lose our baby again, but, God has been very faithful in pouring his grace upon us and I refuse to let bitterness take ahold of my life.  We for some reason still feel a lot of hope in the middle of it and did from the day we found out there was no life anymore... so we named this one Angel Hope.

    There is a bigger picture and I know the one who see the whole picture and for that I am so grateful.  BLessings to you dear friend... and by the way, i like to talk, so I think we'd get along just fine in person.  :)   (old message)

  • @singingrachel - Oh my! Where should I start. ONLY now did I see I had a note from you! It came yesterday....I have been busy but always (I thought) notice when a comment from my blog comes in. My heart did a really hard ache for you when  I read this. I said, "oh no" out loud. I am so sorry Rachel. I've been praying for you at my devotion time for awhile now....will certainly continue to lift you to our Father. I know you have faithful and precious family to help support you as you spoke highly of your parents and siblings in the past. Doesn't that mean the world!!! When I had to say goodbye to Christy, my parents were in VA. but came up to be with us. Daddy had the little graveside service. I LOVE your baby's name! Hope is so full of meaning. Recently a dear friend gave me the meaning of HOPE in a different version - fullest confidence! When you read scripture and find the word hope, insert fullest confidence and it is so beautiful. I am so thankful to read your thoughts above as I hear "fullest confidence" coming through you faith. Oh how I pray our Father will give you and Evangel continued guidance in all your ways. As the NIV says in Psalms 25:5 "....may your hope (fullest confidence) be in Him all day long." Oh my, I just am feeling much emotion right now. This was such a hard thing to hear. I am so very thankful He makes no mistakes and I know you express the same assurance. I have a poem that ministered to me, expressing that He makes no mistakes. Thank you, Rachel, for holding onto Him and leaving others see your testimony of trust. My love and prayers, Cordy  

    P.S. Thank you for allowing me to know this. One precious "fullest confidence" we have - we know our little babies are safely with Him! In my Bible at Psalms 139:16 I wrote Christy's name next to that verse! I love to stand on scripture. If you care to check it, it is much clearer in the NIV. Blessings my dear friend.

  • Hope you had an especially sweet and wonderful thanksgiving.  I love your picture.  It looks so pretty with things so green and I can almost hear the sound of the running water...

    Blessings, Leslie

  • hope you had a great thanksgiving and are enjoying this wonderful season. <3

  • Just stopped by a little late for Thanksgiving but to wish you a Merry Christmas. Wonderful words and beautiful picture. Hope you are well.

    God Bless! Sharon

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